Home » The Impact of 5G on Telecom Infrastructure

The Impact of 5G on
Telecom Infrastructure

It’s all anyone can talk about! 5G is coming and some say that it’s the doorway to the next great technology evolution, making it easier for us to stay connected at all times. Wireless technology started with 1G that brought us cellular phones. From 1G we moved on to 2G that gave us the ability to send text messages. 3G brought with it the internet revolution and 4G delivered the speeds that we enjoy today. But with time, the number of people going online has exponentially increased and 4G is just not capable of catering to the needs of the ever-increasing number of users.

5G, however, will be able to handle a lot more traffic than 4G networks, while also being a lot faster.

What is 5G?

Every time you use a smartphone, irrespective of whether it’s the latest Android or iOS device on the market or a traditional feature phone, you’re using a cellular network. Smartphones use radio waves to transfer communication instantaneously via a local antenna that is a part of the handheld device.

5G is the fifth massive overhaul in cellular technology. One of the reasons why 5G is so critical is its capacity of keeping multiple devices connected at any given time. There’s also the added element of the Internet of Things (IoT), where more household devices are becoming connected to the internet for better functionality.

The sheer number of connections out there puts an enormous strain on the current 4G networks and the only way to over that and keep everyone connected smoothly is to create a bigger, better network.

How Does 5G Work?

5G does its magic with three key abilities.

High Bandwidth: Where 4G can only offer approximately 200 megabits per second of data throughput on most days, 5G can take it up several notches to 1 gigabit or more.

Low Latency: Response delay or latency is a huge problem with 4G. However, 5G has a reaction time that can be as low as 1 millisecond.

Dense Connections: In a given square kilometre, 4G could only manage to connect about one-tenth the number of devices as 5G can.

What Challenges Do Telecom Operators Face While Deploying 5G?

As 5G gains momentum, Telecom Infrastructure Providers are faced with a multitude of challenges that need to be addressed. In the end, successful deployment of 5G networks requires the right infrastructure. 5G will require at least a 10-fold increase in network performance, including speed, latency, and reliability of applications. With this, Telecom Infrastructure Companies are faced with the following challenges:

Ensuring Adequate Power and Cooling Capacity: Starting with reducing AC-DC conversions, installing uninterruptible power supply systems to investing in new cooling techniques, a Telecommunication Infrastructure Company would need to adopt new solutions to support the demand from 5G technology.

Mitigating High Energy Costs: It is quite possible that 5G will create an upsurge in the total network energy consumption by 150-170% by 2026, with the highest spike expected to be in macro, node, and network data center areas.

Planning 5G deployment at Existing Sites: Telecom operators must re-evaluate their existing 4G sites to ensure that these can handle the initial phases of 5G deployment.

In Conclusion

So, to sum it up, without a doubt, 5G will create a whole new level of user experience that’s bound to cause a shift across industries. If you’re in the market for Telecom Infrastructure Services then look no further than Midis Energy, one of the leading Telecommunication Infrastructure Services, Middle East. The seasoned telecommunication infrastructure company offers services such as Infrastructure Sharing and Energy Management.